Community Connections Schools and Youth

Palo Alto Police officers spread joy and community through #copslovelemonadestands

kidsatmitchellparkKids love setting up lemonade stands, but on many quiet streets around Palo Alto, finding customers can be challenging, even on a hot summer day. That’s why local lemonade entrepreneurs are excited about the Palo Alto Police Department’s #copslovelemonadestands campaign, which is driving foot traffic to sidewalk sales all over town this summer.

Palo Alto patrol officers Sergeant Ben Becchetti and Officer Dave Pecoraro came up with the idea of using social media to forge community bonds and help kids get customers for their lemonade stands.  Lt. Zach Perron, the public affairs officer for the Palo Alto Police Department who has gained national attention for his innovative use of social media, set up the twitter hashtag.

“The positive nature of the contacts fostered by this campaign cannot be overstated,” he said. “Palo Alto cops always try to visit lemonade stands when we see them, but social media helps us find the kids and encourage others to come too. People love the photos of officers interacting with children and the community.” The PAPD has used its Facebook page, twitter and NextDoor to gather lemonade stand boysandlemonadelocations, share photos and update the community.

musicSince the campaign began June 5th, the PAPD has received notices about approximately 65 lemonade stands and officers have stopped by about 75% of the locations. “It’s great to have the active solicitation from parents and kids,” said Lt. Perron. “While urgent police matters come first, we have made every effort possible to get to the stands when we can.”

The #copslovelemonadestands campaign was covered by The San Jose Mercury News and picked up by the Associated Press, leading other police departments around the country to replicate this idea in communities such as Green Bay, Wisconsin, Duluth, Minnesota, and Truckee, California. Based on the smiles on the faces of the kids and the cops, this is one twitter storm we hope will keep going all summer!

girlswithlemonadeTo let the PAPD know about your lemonade stand, tweet to #copslovelemonadestands or visit the Palo Alto Police Department’s Facebook page.

All photos used with permission by the Palo Alto Police Department.

About the author

Victoria Thorp

Victoria Thorp

Victoria is the founder and editor of Palo Alto Pulse and has lived in Palo Alto since 2007. Victoria's diverse professional background includes working as the editor of , as a senior writer for KIPP and Teach for America, and as a radio producer for City Visions on KALW (91.7FM San Francisco). She is a graduate of Leadership Palo Alto and a member of the Palo Alto Partners in Education Advisory Board.

She has a BA in English from Tufts University and Masters in Education and Secondary Teaching Credential in English from UCLA.

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